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# +----------------------------------------------------+ #
# < HCF+ Config > #
# < Created by > #
# < Idbi & Koba > #
# +----------------------------------------------------+ #

# Enables the class
ArcherEnabled: true
# Enables the archertag.
ArcherTagEnabled: true
# Sets the damage amplifier.(% value)
ArcherTagDamageAmplifier: 100.0
# Max archer class users per faction. Set to -1 to disable the limit.
MaxArcherInFaction: -1
# Enables the class
BardEnabled: true
# Enables the right-click boost.(Amplifies the held effect)
BoostEnabled: true
# Enabled the hotbar effect boost. (Simple area boost effect.)
SimpleBoostEnabled: true
# Sets the maximum amount bard energy. Please do not use minus value :)
MaxBardEnergy: 100
# The amount of bard energy given per second.
BardEnergyMultiplier: 1.0
# Max bard class users per faction. Set to -1 to disable the limit.
MaxBardInFaction: -1
# Use the new bard system: You can use your hotbar to hold all the effects.
# Setting this value to false will disable this feature and it will going to use the old bard system: (Giving the effect in your ha)
UseNewBardSystem: true
# This value will enable a circle around the bard, if he''s holding effects!
UseEffects: true
# Enables the class
MinerEnabled: true
# Enables the invisible effect after reaching a certain y limit.
MinerInvisibleEnabled: true
# Sets the Y limit, reaching this value will sets the miner invisible
MinerInvisibleYLevel: 45
# Max miner class users per faction. Set to -1 to disable the limit.
MaxMinerInFaction: -1
# Enables the class
RogueEnabled: true
# Enables the backstab.
BackstabEnabled: true
# Sets the damage amplifier.(% value)
BackstabDamageAmplifier: 100.0
# Max rogue class users per faction. Set to -1 to disable the limit.
MaxRogueInFaction: -1