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# +----------------------------------------------------+ #
# < HCF+ Config > #
# < Created by > #
# < Idbi & Koba > #
# +----------------------------------------------------+ #

BungeeCord: false
# Sets the default language to the players.
DefaultLanguage: en
# Sets the default timezone on the server.
# Please use this website if you don''t understand the timezone format:
Timezone: Europe/Budapest
# Selects the database service.
# Currently only ''mongodb'' and ''mysql'' available!
# Default: mongodb
StorageMethod: mongodb
MySQLHost: localhost
MySQLPort: '3306'
MySQLDatabase: hcfplus
MySQLUsername: root
MySQLPassword: ''
# Paste the given link from the MongoDB website.
# Help: After creating a Cluster, click on the 'Connect button'.
# Paste the link, and replace the <password> field with your password.
MongoDBURL: mongodb+srv://user:<password>@<cluster>/?retryWrites=true&w=majority
MongoDBDatabase: HCFPlus
# Sets the enderpearl cooldown after thrown.
# Must be in seconds
EnderPearl: 10
# This will be set if after joining, or respawning.
# Must be in seconds
PvPTimer: 30
# This will be set if you are hit
# Must be in seconds
CombatTag: 30
# This will be set if you are hit by an archer.
# Must be in seconds
ArcherTag: 30
# This will be set if you eat a normal G apple
# Must be in seconds
GolderApple: 30
# This will be set if you eat an Enchanted G apple
# Must be in seconds
EnchantedGoldenApple: 3600
# This will be set if you use the bard powerup
# Must be in seconds
BardEnergy: 3
# This will be used if you are equipping a class
# Must be in seconds
ClassWarmupTime: 3
# This will be set if you die.
# Must be in seconds
Deathban: 3600
# This will be set if you teleporting home.
# Must be in seconds
TeleportHome: 10
# This will be set if you use the command
# Must be in seconds
StuckTimer: 30
# This will be set if you use the command
# Must be in seconds
Logout: 30
# Set the SOTW event length
# Must be in seconds
SOTWDuration: 600
# Set the EOTW event length
# Must be in seconds
EOTWDuration: 600
Default values:
# Sets the world, where the HCF server are.
WorldName: world
# Sets the world spawn-point!
# Order: X,Y,Z,Pitch,Yaw (Separation with SPACE instead comma)
SpawnLocation: 0.5 75 0.5 0 0
# Sets the end, where the HCF end are.
EndOverworldLocation: 0.5 75 0.5 0 0
# Sets the end, where the HCF end are.
EndName: world_the_end
# Sets the end, where the HCF end are.
EndSpawn: 0.5 75 0 90 0
# Sets the nether, where the HCF nether are.
NetherName: world_nether
# Sets the nether, where the HCF nether are.
NetherSpawn: 0 0 0 0 0
# Sets the death-ban.
# Only ''true'' or ''false'' are accepted!
DeathbanEnable: false
# Enables the spawn tp during SOTW mode.
SOTWSpawnEnable: true
# Enchantment cost. Constant.
EnchantCost: 20
# On the first join, this will be the player money.
DefaultBalance: 1000
# Upon creating the first faction, this value will be the starting money in the faction.
DefaultBalanceFaction: 0
# This sets the world border radius.
WorldBorderSize: 1000
# This sets the war-zone radius.
WarzoneSize: 500
BrewingSpeedMultiplier: 1
CookingSpeedMultiplier: 1
# If the player dies, the current balance of the player will be transfered to the killer, or deleted.
PlayerLoseMoney: true
# If the player kills, then this value will deposited into the killer account.
AddMoneyOnKill: 1000
DeathSignTitle: '&cDeath Sign'
- '&5'
- '&c%victim%'
- '&fslain by'
- '&a%killer%'
- '&f%date%'
ClaimingWandTitle: '&6Claiming Wand'
- '&eLeft and right click on the ground'
- '&f➥ to place the positions.'
- ' '
- '&eShift + Right Click'
- '&f➥ Accept the claim.'
- ' '
- '&eShift + Left Click'
- '&f➥ Discard the claim.'
Faction DTR:
# The amount of DTR added by a player
DTRPerPlayer: 0.9
# The maximum amount of DTR reached by a faction.
MaxDTR: 5.5
# The maximum amount of DTR reached by a solo faction.
MaxDTRSolo: 1.5
# DTR regeneration.(Must be in seconds)
DTRRegen: 60
DTRLowDTR: 0.25
DTRColorRaidable: '&4'
DTRColorLowDTR: '&e'
DTRColorNormal: '&a'
DTRSymbolFreeze: '&c■'
DTRSymbolRegenerating: '&a▲'
DTRSymbolNormal: '&a◀'
# The DTR will be decreased by this number, when a member die.
OverworldDeathDTR: 1
# The DTR will be decreased by this number, when a member die.
NetherDeathDTR: 0.5
# The DTR will be decreased by this number, when a member die.
EndDeathDTR: 1
Faction Points:
PointStart: 0
PointPerKill: 1
PointPerKoth: 10
EnablePointDecreaseOnDeath: true
PointDecreaseOnDeath: 1
Faction Settings:
# This will let the player leave the faction, while the player is inside the faction claim
EnableLeaveFriendly: false
# Maximum member per faction.
MaxMembers: 7
# Maximum allies per faction.
MaxAllies: 2
MinNameLength: 3
MaxNameLength: 12
- $
- ß
- |
Faction Claim:
MustBeConnected: true
MaxClaims: 5
MinClaimSize: 4
MaxClaimSize: 50
# This value will let water flow in a claim. (But, it can still flow inside the claim, outside it will stop when it reaches the claim border)
EnableFlowingToClaim: false
# (1$/Block) * Multiplier
ClaimPriceMultiplier: 1.5
# (1$/Block) * Multiplier
UnClaimPriceMultiplier: 0.5
# Allow liquid flow from wilderness to claimed land
AllowDamageByWilderness: false
TeammateColor: '&a'
AllyColor: '&d'
EnemyColor: '&c'
ArcherTagColor: '&4'
FocusedTagColor: '&4'
StaffModeColor: '&b'
# These words are blocked in names (Faction, rank etc.)
# No case-sensitive and it will be blocked when the word contains one of them!
- example1
- example2
- badword

# Set Mountain event reset time
# Must be in seconds
MountainEventReset: 3600
# Set Mountain event block type
MountainEventMaterial: GLOWSTONE
# Select 2 location of the o
MountainEventLocation1: 0 75 0
# Set Mountain event block type
MountainEventLocation2: 15 80 15
# Syntax: ''name; world; x, y, z; #hexcode''
- 'Spawn; world; 0, 75, 0; #FF0000'
- 'End; world; 0, 75, 0; #FFFFFF'
- 'End Exit; world_the_end; 0, 75, 0; #FFFFFF'
HomeWaypoint: 'Home; #0000FF'
RallyWaypoint: 'Rally; #FF0000'
FocusWaypointColor: '#00FF00'
# Should we enable weapons stattrak?
StatTrakEnable: true
# Stattrak kills counter format
StatTrakKillFormat: '&6&lKills&7: &b%kills%'
# Stattrak kill string
StatTrakKillString: '&e%player% &fwas slain by &e%killer% &6%date%'
# Stattrak items
CrowbarMaterial: GOLD_HOE
CrowbarName: '&3&lCrowbar'
- '&5Spawners: &a{&c%scount%&a}'
- '&5Portals: &a{&c%pcount%&a}'
CrowbarSpawnerUses: 1
CrowbarPortalUses: 6
CrowbarDisabledInWarzone: false
SignShopEnabled: true
SignShopTitle_Buy: '&a[Buy]'
SignShopTitle_Sell: '&c[Sell]'
ElevatorEnabled: true
ElevatorTitle: '&9[Elevator]'
SubClaimTitle: '&b[Subclaim]'
# Allows player which have lower ranks to open chests
SubClaimAllowLowerRank: true
# Set the KoTH event length
# Must be in seconds
KoTHDuration: 300
# Starts daily automatically a KoTH
# See ''Auto-KoTH'' section for more settings
AutoKoTHEnabled: true
KoTHSignTitle: '&6&nKoTH &r&6Sign'
- '&5'
- '&9%koth%'
- '&0capped by'
- '&9%capturer%'
- '%date%'
# Minimum online members to start a KoTH.
KoTHMinOnline: 10
# Daily KoTH start date.
# When the auto KoTH starts, it will not overwrite the currently going KoTH
# The given time is converted to the set timezone!
# Make sure,you are using the right Timezone!
- '8:00'
- '15:00'